Mississippi Hippie was birthed by hippie and visionary D. Francis. Daniel, a free-thinking traveler left his roots in North Carolina and headed south to Mississippi, the home of his twin flame Jill. Like a bohemian flower child, Mississippi re-awakened Daniel’s gypsy soul and Mississippi Hippie was born!
The products you will find on this site, represent a tree hugging, hippie way of life. The essential oils used are either high quality natural or organic oils. The CBD products are grown in Colorado and are organic, non-gmo and the certificate of authenticity is available at any time to view. This certificate shows the strict testing and guarantees no harmful additives are present in the tinctures. The remaining products are simply lots of fun. All products hippie tested, hippie verified, and hippie approved!
Daniel is extremely proud of the transformation in every area of his life. Through nutrition, essential oils, yoga, and reiki, Daniel successfully removed all pharmaceuticals from his body and allows natural healing to keep his physical body in alignment.
It is Daniel’s passion to help others expand and awaken to amazing possibilities within their own lives.
Peace, love, and happiness!
Stay trippy Mississippi!
D. Francis